Table for the 28 triples for predicate vocab:partOf

data:Avoid gastrointestinal bleedingdata:CIG for Osteoarthritis
data:Avoid gastrointestinal bleedingdata:CIG for Osteoarthritis
data:Avoid gastrointestinal bleedingdata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:Avoid thrombidata:CIG for Diabetes Mellitus
data:Avoid thrombidata:CIG for Diabetes Mellitus
data:Avoid thrombidata:CIG for Diabetes Mellitus
data:Avoid thrombidata:CIG for Diabetes Mellitus
data:Avoid thrombidata:CIG for Hypertension
data:Avoid thrombidata:CIG for Hypertension
data:Avoid thrombidata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:Avoid thrombidata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:Avoid thrombidata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:DB.1 Avoid thrombidata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:DB.2 Avoid thrombidata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:DB.3 Reduce blood sugar leveldata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:HT.1 Reduce blood pressuredata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:HT.2 Avoid thrombidata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:OA.1 Avoid gastrointestinal bleedingdata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:OA.2 Reduce paindata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:Reduce blood pressuredata:CIG for Hypertension
data:Reduce blood pressuredata:CIG for Hypertension
data:Reduce blood pressuredata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:Reduce blood sugar leveldata:CIG for Diabetes Mellitus
data:Reduce blood sugar leveldata:CIG for Diabetes Mellitus
data:Reduce blood sugar leveldata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes
data:Reduce paindata:CIG for Osteoarthritis
data:Reduce paindata:CIG for Osteoarthritis
data:Reduce paindata:Merged CIG for Osteoarthritis, Hypertension and Diabetes