Table for the 45 triples with object "100MG" sorted by label

aers:Involvement of ACECLOFENAC in #8052478aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ALLOPURINOL in #8042014aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ALLOPURINOL in #8163802aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CILASTAZOL in #8237204aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of DARVOCET in #8246011aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of DOXYCYCLINE in #8030436aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of DOXYCYCLINE in #8202838aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ELMIRON in #8018705aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ERBITUX in #8228233aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of FLUVOXAMINE MALEATE in #8211332aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of GABAPENTIN in #8156795aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of GABAPENTIN in #8163802aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of JANUVIA in #8027742aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMICTAL in #8237213aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8176664aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8176938aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8178810aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8178811aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8178816aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8178817aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8178818aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8179999aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8180000aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8180010aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8180028aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8180041aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8180042aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8183338aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMOTRIGINE in #8183978aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LC BEAD -DOXORUBICIN ELUTING- in #8157243aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LOSARTAN POTASSIUM in #8130987aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MASTERONE in #8073492aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of PRISTIQ in #8035832aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of PROTAMINE SULFATE in #8174203aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of REMICADE in #8029749aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SEROQUEL in #8052709aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SEROQUEL in #8055841aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SEROQUEL in #8184783aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SULPIRIDE in #8221008aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRENTAL in #8200536aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of VANDETANIB in #8044595aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of VIDAZA in #8210910aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of VIMPAT in #8165576aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOLOFT in #8140882aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOLOFT in #8177176aersVocab:drug dose