Table for the 205 triples with object "AT NIGHT" sorted by label

aers:Involvement of ALLEGRA in #8086258aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8078040aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8080219aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8086136aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8086614aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8088344aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8088718aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8088874aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8089002aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8089259aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8093280aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8096197aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8096310aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8096548aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8099943aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8100362aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMBIEN in #8241833aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMITRIPTYLINE HCL in #8019311aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMITRIPTYLINE HCL in #8062319aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMITRIPTYLINE HCL in #8082754aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMITRIPTYLINE HCL in #8084875aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMITRIPTYLINE HCL in #8090361aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMITRIPTYLINE HCL in #8092523aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMITRIPTYLINE HCL in #8093323aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMITRIPTYLINE HCL in #8093346aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMITRIPTYLINE HCL in #8099831aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMITRIPTYLINE HCL in #8100398aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMITRIPTYLINE HCL in #8167511aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AMLODIPINE in #8079416aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ASMANEX TWISTHALER in #8086199aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ATENOLOL in #8082882aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ATIVAN in #8098600aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ATORVASTATIN in #8058641aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ATORVASTATIN in #8169800aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of AZATHIOPRINE in #8077224aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of C PAP in #8079310aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of C-PAP MACHINE in #8092443aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of C-PAP in #8093270aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CANASA in #8078210aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CANASA in #8096582aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CELECOXIB in #8025953aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CELEXA in #8098008aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CELEXA in #8100929aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CLARITIN in #8088962aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CLOBAZAM in #8048011aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CLONAZEPAM in #8030897aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CLONAZEPAM in #8142623aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CLONIDINE in #8084905aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CLORAZEPATE DIPOTASSIUM in #8042521aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of COUMADIN in #8089944aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CRESTOR in #8079190aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of DEXILANT in #8092523aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of DIAZEPAM in #8093703aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of DIAZEPAM in #8098319aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of DOBONEX in #8098892aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of DOXEPIN in #8082681aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of DOXEPIN in #8083289aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ELAVIL in #8216520aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of FLEXERIL in #8077918aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of FYBOGEL in #8201851aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of FYBOGEL in #8206492aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of FYBOGEL in #8224773aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of GABAPENTIN in #8025953aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of GABAPENTIN in #8078984aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of GABAPENTIN in #8090675aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of HUMALOG in #8089017aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of HYDROCODONE BITARTRATE in #8128918aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of HYDROXYZINE in #8079430aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of IBUPROFEN (ADVIL) in #8099161aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of IBUPROFEN in #8095588aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of IBUPROFEN in #8116489aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of IBUPROFEN in #8146468aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of IMIPRAMINE in #8089944aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of INSULIN in #8086939aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of INSULIN in #8099839aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of INVEGA in #8247663aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of KEPPRA in #8102609aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of KLONOPIN in #8023932aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of KLONOPIN in #8082760aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LACMICTAL in #8096020aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LAMICTAL in #8092523aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LANTUS in #8083312aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LANTUS in #8101085aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LEXAPRO in #8095214aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LEXOTAN in #8066799aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LIALDA in #8091229aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LIPITOR in #8090675aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LISINOPRIL in #8088962aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LORAZEPAM in #8082699aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LORAZEPAM in #8101589aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LORAZEPAM in #8103115aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LOTREL in #8145641aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LOVASTATIN in #8087807aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LUNESTA in #8082419aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of LUNESTA in #8085854aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MEDICINE IN ANTIDEPRESSANT CATEGORY in #8096430aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MELATONIN in #8085480aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MELATONIN in #8092646aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MELATONIN in #8096766aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MELATONIN in #8230890aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MELOXICAM in #8082882aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MELOXICAM in #8099147aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MEMANTINE in #8062319aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MERCAPTOPURINE in #8078200aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MESALAMINE in #8091845aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MESALAMINE in #8095494aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of METAXALONE in #8082882aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of METFFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE in #8085737aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE in #8224609aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of METOPROLOL TARTRATE in #8082754aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MIRTAZAPINE in #8083309aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of NAPROXEN (ALEVE) in #8109840aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of NEORAL in #8046454aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of NEORAL in #8127597aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of NEURONTIN in #8082465aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of NEXIUM in #8096310aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of NIACIN in #8090675aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of NITROFURANTOIN in #8099078aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of NORTRIPTYLINE HCL in #8091222aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of NORTRIPTYLINE HCL in #8093267aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of OLANZAPINE in #8103115aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of OMEPRAZOLE in #8083718aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of OXYGEN in #8057522aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of OXYGEN in #8090239aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of OXYGEN in #8228489aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of OXYGEN in #8243838aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of PHENAZEPAM in #8161532aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of PHENERGAN in #8192347aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of PHENERGAN in #8248202aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of PHENOBARBITAL TAB in #8030897aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of PIROXICAM in #8099121aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of PLAQUENIL in #8098183aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of PRAVASTATIN SODIUM in #8248275aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of PRAVASTATIN in #8069745aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of PREVACID in #8095132aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of REFRESH in #8061046aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of REMERON in #8082760aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of REQUIP in #8196946aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of RESTASIS in #8061046aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of RESTORIL in #8086067aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of RISPERDAL in #8034536aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of RISPERDAL in #8045466aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ROZEREM in #8092523aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SAPHRIS in #8089671aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SEROQUEL in #8087807aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SEROQUEL in #8088391aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SEROQUEL in #8096385aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SEROQUEL in #8099831aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SEROQUEL in #8099995aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SEROQUEL in #8101442aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SEROQUEL in #8174350aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SIMCOR in #8145846aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SIMCOR in #8146426aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SIMCOR in #8146430aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SIMCOR in #8146647aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SIMVASTATIN in #8046208aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SIMVASTATIN in #8062319aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SIMVASTATIN in #8078055aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SIMVASTATIN in #8089944aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SIMVASTATIN in #8098319aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SIMVASTATIN in #8145421aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SINEMET CR in #8168086aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SINGULAIR in #8093493aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SINGULAIR in #8099549aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TEMAZEPAM in #8078120aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TEMAZEPAM in #8089373aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TEMAZEPAM in #8120541aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TEMAZEPAM in #8168086aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TEMAZEPAM in #8213566aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TOPAMAX in #8087836aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TOPAMAX in #8094743aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TOPROL-XL in #8089693aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8032019aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8078015aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8078776aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8078920aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8082754aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8083170aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8083911aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8088657aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8093267aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8096420aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8098319aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8099351aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TRAZODONE HCL in #8124416aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TWO OTHER MEDICATIONS in #8082236aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TYLENOL in #8197182aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of TYLENOL in #8211489aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of VITAMIN D in #8025707aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of XANAX in #8079932aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of XANAX in #8082890aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of XANAX in #8083289aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of XANAX in #8089514aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZANTAC in #8079932aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOCOR in #8083312aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOCOR in #8092533aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOCOR in #8189348aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOCOR in #8206902aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOLOFT in #8083450aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOLPIDEM in #8078106aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOPICLONE in #8071759aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOPICLONE in #8071761aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOPICLONE in #8105756aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOPICLONE in #8108149aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ZOPICLONE in #8145421aersVocab:drug dose