Table for the 8 triples with object "DOSIS: DOSERES EFTER KURSKEMA HVER 3. UGE" sorted by label

aers:Involvement of CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE in #8205662aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE in #8220931aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ETOPOSIDE in #8205662aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ETOPOSIDE in #8220931aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MABTHERA in #8205662aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of MABTHERA in #8220931aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of ONCOVIN in #8220931aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of VINCRISTINE SULFATE in #8205662aersVocab:drug dose