Table for the 17 triples with object "UNKNOWN DOSING REGIMEN" sorted by label

aers:Involvement of CHANTIX in #8057407aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of CYMBALTA in #8034604aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of HEROIN in #8026398aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of INHALER TREATMENT FOR COPD in #8057407aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of KLONOPIN in #8047978aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of OTHER OPIATES in #8067986aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of OTHER OPIATES in #8067997aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of OTHER OPIATES in #8178618aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SEROQUEL in #8034604aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8026398aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8047978aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8057404aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8057404aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8060959aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8060959aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8175476aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBUTEX in #8146948aersVocab:drug dose