Table for the 13 triples with object "VARIOUS DOSES" sorted by label

aers:Involvement of BUPRENORPHINE in #8067986aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of BUPRENORPHINE in #8067997aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of BUPRENORPHINE in #8178618aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8057408aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8067986aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8067986aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8067997aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8067997aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8178618aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBOXONE in #8178618aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBUTEX in #8067986aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBUTEX in #8067997aersVocab:drug dose
aers:Involvement of SUBUTEX in #8178618aersVocab:drug dose