Table for the 26 triples with object aers:report/8115292 sorted by label

aers:BLOOD CREATININE INCREASEDaersVocab:reaction of
aers:BLOOD UREA INCREASEDaersVocab:reaction of
aers:Involvement of ETOMIDATE in #8115292aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of ETOMIDATE in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of FENTANYL CITRATE in #8115292aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of FENTANYL CITRATE in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of HEPARIN in #8115292aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of HEPARIN in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of LABETALOL HCL in #8115292aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of LABETALOL HCL in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of LASIX in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of LESCOL in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of LISINOPRIL in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of MAGNESIUM SULFATE in #8115292aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of MAGNESIUM SULFATE in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of MUCOMYST in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of NITROGLYCERIN in #8115292aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of NITROGLYCERIN in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of PENTOXIFYLLINE in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of PROCARDIA XL in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of PROTAMINE SULFATE in #8115292aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of PROTAMINE SULFATE in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of TRASYLOL in #8115292aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of TRASYLOL in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of TRASYLOL in #8115292aersVocab:involved in
aers:OtheraersVocab:outcome of