Table for the 28 triples with object aers:report/8177300 sorted by label

aers:ABDOMINAL PAINaersVocab:reaction of
aers:ABDOMINAL PAIN UPPERaersVocab:reaction of
aers:CONFUSIONAL STATEaersVocab:reaction of
aers:DYSPNOEAaersVocab:reaction of
aers:Hospitalization - Initial or ProlongedaersVocab:outcome of
aers:IMPAIRED DRIVING ABILITYaersVocab:reaction of
aers:Involvement of CHANTIX in #8177300aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of CHANTIX in #8177300aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of CHANTIX in #8177300aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of LYRICA in #8177300aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of LYRICA in #8177300aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of LYRICA in #8177300aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of LYRICA in #8177300aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of LYRICA in #8177300aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of LYRICA in #8177300aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of PAXIL in #8177300aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of PROCARDIA in #8177300aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of PROTONIX in #8177300aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of SYMBICORT in #8177300aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of VICODIN in #8177300aersVocab:involved in
aers:MUSCLE SPASMSaersVocab:reaction of
aers:NAUSEAaersVocab:reaction of
aers:OFF LABEL USEaersVocab:reaction of
aers:OtheraersVocab:outcome of
aers:SINUSITISaersVocab:reaction of
aers:SWELLINGaersVocab:reaction of
aers:VISION BLURREDaersVocab:reaction of
aers:VISUAL IMPAIRMENTaersVocab:reaction of