Table for the 34 triples with object aers:report/8227361 sorted by label

aers:ANXIETYaersVocab:reaction of
aers:ARTHRALGIAaersVocab:reaction of
aers:BACK PAINaersVocab:reaction of
aers:DEEP VEIN THROMBOSISaersVocab:reaction of
aers:DYSPNOEAaersVocab:reaction of
aers:EMOTIONAL DISTRESSaersVocab:reaction of
aers:Hospitalization - Initial or ProlongedaersVocab:outcome of
aers:Involvement of ARIXTRA in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of ASCORBIC ACID in #8227361aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of ASCORBIC ACID in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS in #8227361aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of IBUPROFEN (ADVIL) in #8227361aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of IBUPROFEN (ADVIL) in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of IRON in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of NASONEX in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of PROGESTERONE in #8227361aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of PROGESTERONE in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of SYNTHROID in #8227361aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of SYNTHROID in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of TAMBOCOR in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of TESTOSTERONE in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of THYROID TAB in #8227361aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of THYROID TAB in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of YASMIN in #8227361aersVocab:therapy of
aers:Involvement of YASMIN in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:Involvement of YASMIN in #8227361aersVocab:involved in
aers:MENOPAUSAL SYMPTOMSaersVocab:reaction of
aers:OtheraersVocab:outcome of
aers:PAINaersVocab:reaction of
aers:PREMATURE MENOPAUSEaersVocab:reaction of
aers:PULMONARY EMBOLISMaersVocab:reaction of
aers:WEIGHT INCREASEDaersVocab:reaction of